Transport plans for the installation of the Changing Places toilet in Preston Park

We are forewarning residents that on 2 July, the panels for the Changing Places will be installed. This is quite a complex process, and residents need to be aware of the movement of heavy vehicles in the park on that day. The vehicles will enter the park at the north entrance opposite Preston Bowls Club at approximately 7am.

a. They will then make their way slowly down the path running adjacent to Preston Road.
b. An escort vehicle and banksmen will accompany the vehicles directing pedestrian traffic.
c. When level with the Rotunda Café, the unit will be transferred from the articulated lorry on to the HIAB (lorry with a crane).
d. The HIAB lorry will then take the modular unit across the lawns, through the middle of the transport compound, across the path, skirt the edges of the roses, and deliver it to the site.
e. The HIAB will return to the path running adjacent to Preston Road back through the middle of the transport compound.
f. The second modular unit destined for St Ann’s Well Gardens will then be transferred from the articulated lorry to the HIAB.
g. The vehicles will then exit the park at the south end on to Stanford Avenue.

Please be aware that this work will take time to complete, and residents need to take care while in the area. It is envisaged that work on the toilets should be complete by the end of August.