Pics from the Halloween Lantern Walk

Sophia Behn tells some scary stories
Sophia Behn tells some scary stories
Just one of 20 giant pumpkins carved by Emma and the other park rangers
Just one of 20 giant pumpkins carved by Emma and the other park rangers
Face painting in the pavilion from Nam Nam's
Face painting in the pavilion from Nam Nam’s
The crowd gathers before the walk
The crowd gathers before the walk
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANo, the pavilion is not on fire. Smoke machine supplied by TS Professional Sound and Light.
No, the pavilion is not on fire. Smoke machine supplied by TS Professional Sound and Light.
Winner of best lantern shows off his prize of a giant chocolate cake and book vouchers
Winner of best lantern shows off his prize of a giant chocolate cake and book vouchers
And Peter, here, won the prize for best costume
And Peter, here, won the prize for best costume
Some more fabulous pumpkin lanterns
Some more fabulous pumpkin lanterns
Storytelling from Sophia
Face painting shown off by these two brothers
Face painting shown off by these two brothers
It was dark but certainly not cold - probably one of the warmest November nights on record
It was dark but certainly not cold – probably one of the warmest November nights on record
Another great costume
Another great costume
A pretty scary family you must admit
A pretty scary family you must admit