We have been busy helping Andy Jeavons, Preston Park’s Garden Manager, to set up two new volunteer garden groups to help bring back some colour to Preston Park. Andy already has a long-established volunteer gardening group at the Rockery, which meets on Wednesday mornings, and has now set up two new groups:
- Tuesday mornings in the Rose Garden;
- Thursday mornings to work on the front flower beds, areas around the tennis courts and any other areas within the park which have horticultural value.
If you would like to join one of the groups, they both meet at 10am to 1 pm, unless it’s raining. The Tuesday group meet in the Rose Garden by the pond and Thursday meet by the Rock Garden chalet. Tools are provided and you just need to come along suitably dressed. If you can only stay part of the time, you will still be most welcome. The groups are very friendly, guidance and training is given, and the exercise and fresh air is great!
If you are interested please contact Andy directly on a.jeavons@sky.com.
On the subject of volunteer groups, we must not forget those that operate in the walled garden of Preston Manor, expertly managed by George Harris and Clare Hughes.
As you will all be aware, local Council financial cuts have hit all parks and green open spaces hard, and are unlikely to improve in the short term; so, if we want Preston Park to thrive, it can only be achieved through volunteer groups.
If we have enough volunteers, we hope to be able to run more groups, but we first need to find people to train up as leaders, as Andy alone cannot supervise any more groups for now. Training can be provided by City Parks in subjects such as leaderships skills and health and safety, and we will be talking to City Parks about this soon. We also have further ideas for Preston Park and will keep you informed as they develop.