St Peter’s churchyard


St Peter’s isn’t officially part of Preston Park. The thirteenth century church (the oldest building in Brighton, believe it or not) is overseen by The Churches Conservation Trust and the churchyard, although cared for by a council staff gardener, is the property of St John’s church. However we thought you’d be interested to know that Preston Park resident Chris Tredgold has volunteered his services to help conserve and enhance the churchyard and to make this historic and atmospheric area a haven for wild flowers and wildlife. Chris has been working one morning a week with 3 other volunteers and, with the collaboration of gardener George Harris, has planted snowdrops and a variety of summer flowers.

Thanks to the Tennis Club and their gardener Judy Martin some hedging has been planted on the wall which borders the tennis courts. They have also worked hard to clear and delineate some of the flat gravestones and to generally spruce up the area. A site plan has been created which, once realised, will see different areas of the graveyard devoted to either close mowing, medium-height wild flower areas or wild areas.