Painting in the Park III

Our third artistic event took part on Sunday 9th October. The glorious sunshine and pleasant temperature made it all the more enjoyable for all those who took part, who produced vibrant and cheerful pieces of work using a vast range of media.

We will resume our Painting in the Park events in Spring 2023, so keep an eye out for news on our Events page.

A starling village in Preston Park

Friends of Preston Park will soon be putting up six starling nest boxes donated by Save our Starlings. Brighton Palace Pier murmuration is a delight for all those who witness the autumnal sky ballet, but this wonderful sight might soon be a thing of the past if we don’t act now to stop the number of birds diminishing. It is estimated that there has been a decline of 87% of starlings in the UK and Brighton over the past 30-40 years and they are now included on the red list of Birds of High Conservation Concern. You can support Save the Starlings by signing the online petition or by following the guidelines on how to make a starling-friendly garden, even having your own starling nest box.

Discover the history of Preston Park

On Sunday, November 6th at 11 am, Sue Shepherd will lead a walk around Preston Park, describing the colourful history of the park, supported by dozens of historic photos. The walk should last about 90 minutes. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions. Meet at the Rotunda at 11 am.


Another successful tree walk

Friends of Preston Park organised another successful tree walk in Preston Park. Tree expert, Peter Bourne was on hand to explain the various differences between the species of elm as well as other tree types. Those attending were amazed that not only does the park contain key species, i.e. the only one of a kind, but that some are also champions of their species, e.g. the oldest in the world. Peter was warmly applauded for his time and knowledge. Another walk has been scheduled for October 16th for all those who haven’t yet experienced the ‘Bourne – tree’ walk! Register here

Rewilding: The Gathering

On 11 October, Heal is organising an event at the Brighthelm Centre in central Brighton – ‘Rewilding: The Gathering’.

Heal’s mission is nature recovery, climate change action and well-being. They are working to create a new place for nature in every county in England.

Heal has Kate Bradbury, Jasmine Isa Qureshi and Penny Green as speakers. Standard tickets are £5 and they have a small number of tickets to support those with low or no income, including students.

Find out more and book

Celebrating the new velodrome mural

The event at the velodrome went very well and everyone seemed pleased with the final result. Many people brought picnics and there were crafts for the children. It is hoped money will soon be raised to paint the steps and containers.

Thank you to everyone who took part to create this exciting new artwork for Preston Park.

We Love Trees

Kerry Pickett, of Friends of Preston Park, attended the We Love Trees event held to thank all the volunteers who help in Brighton & Hove’s green spaces. Caroline Lucas was there to thank everyone as well as Paul Campbell of Brighton & Hove City Council and local tree expert Peter Bourne. The food was amazing and it was a great opportunity to meet and network with other volunteers and experts.