An update on Pride 2011

As you may have seen in the Argus, Brighton Pride has been given the go-ahead for a fenced and ticketed event in the park on August 13. As Pride will know exactly how many tickets have been sold, the facilities (loos etc) within the area should be sufficient for the number of people. We don’t know yet how many tickets will go on sale. Each of the entrances to the area will be manned by security personnel who will ensure the entrant has a ticket and that no glass is taken into the area. There remains an unknown factor about how many people might turn up without a ticket and remain outside the fenced area. Pride is aware of this and will do what they can to prevent a build-up of people. They have assured us, for instance, that prominent ads displayed on the route to the park will make it plain that entry is only permitted with a ticket. In the meantime, Pride has asked the local residents to let them know where possible where anti-social trouble hot-spots may occur – from this information they intend to deploy security personnel. You can contact Pride via where there is an opportunity to give your view.