Tim Richardson has worked on grounds maintenance in the park for 16 years.
What do you like about the job?
I like being outdoors. Love doing sports; that is, marking out the pitches for things like football, softball etc. I enjoy planting the beds with designs by local children. Bed 8 won ‘best bed’ in the city this summer – bed 5 came second.
What contribution do you make to the park?
I keep the pitches going.
What is the best thing about the park?
The walk between the tennis courts. The new planting has been a great success and, although I didn’t design it, I had a lot to do with planting it up.
What are your ambitions for the park?
Personally, I like formality in the park. I’d like to see borders with appropriate fences so that people (and dogs) can clearly see where they can and can’t go. I’d like more people working in the park so that all jobs can be completed to our satisfaction.
Thank you Tim!